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Becoming A Cooperative Education Student

Participation is contingent upon the availability of an appropriate training site and demonstration by the student of a readiness to enter the workplace. Both the student and employer must meet the criteria for participation and be approved by the Cooperative Education Coordinator. A school administrator must approve individual exceptions to the criteria. Once all information is obtained and approved, the placement may commence.

Employer Requirements

  • Provide a safe work environment
  • Pay a legal wage equal to or higher than minimum wage ($7.25)
  • Provide wages in the form of a company payroll check with documentation of all standardized deductions
  • Possess workers’ compensation insurance
  • Possess up-to-date Federal and State clearances including criminal history records and child abuse history
  • Sign the Cooperative Education agreement and training plan
  • Provide period evaluation of student performance
  • Adhere to Federal and State regulations regarding employment and child labor laws

Student Requirements

  • Work in area directly related to program of study/career objective
  • Demonstrate satisfactory progress towards the completion of program competencies
  • Completion of 50% or more technical instructional hours; review of NOCTI pre-assessment score
  • 85% or higher attendance rate
  • “C” or better grade average
  • Possess a work permit, if under the age of 18
  • Possess approval of parent/guardian
  • Possess positive recommendation by instructor
  • Possess approval of school administration
  • Provide personal transportation
  • Possess valid PA driver’s license
  • Possess proof of auto insurance

See the WBL Coordinator in Student Services to learn more about CO-OP and discuss your options.