Online Steel Center Enrollment Application


    • Please use Chrome when applying online.

    When applying, please keep in mind

    1. Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are due by March 31st to be given priority consideration. Applications may continue to be accepted until September 30th, 2024 although program availability may be limited.
    2. In the event of limited availability in program areas, the following information may be used to determine enrollment in program areas: Attendance, GPA, Related Experiece, State Assessments & Timeliness of Completed Application.
    3. The application will be sent to  your Home School District Counselor for review. They will provide your transcript and any other necessary materials to Steel Center for it to be processed. 
    4. Please consider selecting more than one Career Major as some programs may have a waiting list.
    5. If you cannot decide between a couple of programs, speak with our school counselor to set up a visit.
    6. Once the application is submitted, a confirmation email will be sent to the parent/guardian, student and the sending school district counselor. 

    Questions about applying to Steel Center please contact one of our School Counselors, Mr. Hinkle at 412-469-3200 x2517 or or Ms. Laura Montecalvo at 412-469-3200 x2518 or 

    Once you are officially enrolled as a Steel Center student?

    1. You will attend Steel Center Monday through Friday for half of your school day, either in the morning or during the afternoon.  
    2. Transportation will be provided to you by your school district. 
    3. You will make friends from other schools and gain hands on training for your future, all while still participating in sports and extracurricular activities.


    Click the link below to be directed to the Online Steel Center Enrollment Application. Please use Chrome browser when applying online. 

    apply online

  • Apply Online