- Steel Center for CTE
- Resources for K-12 School Guidance Plan Development
In this section find supporting documents and foundational resources for sustaining Career and College Readiness programs and plans.
Resources for K-12 School Guidance Plan Development
K-12 School Guidance Plans PDE Quality Assurance Self-Assessment Rubric
K-12 School Guidance Plan (339) (Word)
Information on indicators and measures: Career Readiness Standards
PA Career Ready Skills: Newly developed Social/Emotional Learning Progressions
Bureau of Career and Technical Education: Training and Updating School Guidance Plan with new format, training documents and sample Plans from across PA
Allegheny Intermediate Unit 3: Provides Guidelines for reporting evidence, training dates and webinars for various career development online tools
ASCA American School Counselor Association: Mindsets and Behaviors
Additional Information and School Guidance Plan Resources:
Center on Education and the Workforce: Provides various resources (videos) revealing current trends in the workforce and educational programming opportunities that satisfy job demands. Research based statistics concerning topics that are relevant to career readiness.
Team Pennsylvania: A non-partisan, 501©(3) nonprofit established in 1997 to connect private and public sector leaders to achieve and sustain progress for Pennsylvania through strong relationships between business and industry. Contact member Abby Smith asmith@teampa.com for resources and grant information.
ACTE Provides up-to-date Career and Technical training information. Features podcasts related to middle school career exploration and preparation for life. Each topic has five podcasts and each is under 30 minutes in length. Excellent for stakeholders such as parents, teachers and community members. www.acteonline.org