Non-Traditional Career Pathway Resources


    National Alliance for Partnership in Equity (NAPE)

    Special Programs> Make the Future: Connecting Girls to Manufacturing

    Provides a suite of materials to recruit and nurture students and their families who are interested in or are participating in non-traditional education and training programs.

    Toyota USA Foundation


    Utah State Board of Education

    Non-traditional careers/Resources/Lesson Plans (most for 9-12)

    Departments and Programs> Career and Technical Education> CTE Supporting Programs> Nontraditional Careers


    Chester County Intermediate Unit

    “Careers Have No Gender”

    Video Clips featuring students who are engaged in nontraditional CTC programs of study.

    Schools> Technical College High School> Pickering Campus> Students> Prospective Students> Careers Have No Gender


    Illinois State University Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support

    Materials/Power Point shares recruitment and support strategies for nontraditional careers.

    Nontraditional Fields under Perkins V


    Minnesota State Careerwise

    Resources include a list of nontraditional occupations for men and women

    Skills sets needed in NTO

    Various personal cases of success in NTO

    Explore Careers> Research Careers> Unique Careers> Nontraditional Careers


    Learn How To Become

    An excellent career development information website. It offers a section on “Special Topics” where useful statistics, data, personal nontraditional career path histories, and guidelines for maneuvering in a nontraditional setting are shared. For both males and females. Click on Resource Center and find “Special Topics” to the right on the green selection tabs just below the books and magnifying glass. Many major organizations are listed as resources. It also has a section on Career and Technical Education/Vocational under Careers tab at the top.