• In this section find mostly free online resources that provide meaningful, measurable activities connected to the PA Career Education and Work Standards.

Junior Achievement

  • www.juniorachievement.org

    K-12 Curriculum linked to the Common Core, CEW’s, Social Studies, Math, Business and Language Arts. Programs link stakeholders, business/community, parents, teachers and students.

PA Department of Labor & Industry

  • www.workstats.dli.pa.gov

    Pathway: Products A to Z offers a list of useful products including, PA Career Guide for middle school students, (available from Career Link as well) Posters, Pathways for occupations, videos related to Job Skills and a host of other relevant free materials.



  • www.education.pa.gov

    Pathway to resources: Instruction – Elementary & Secondary – Career Ready PA (box) – Career Education and Work Standards (box) – right tool bar: Resources, Curriculum, Partners, Assessment.

The Consortium for Public Education

  • www.theconsortiumforpubliceducation.org

    Find a variety of resources that provide interactive tools to engage students in career awareness and exploration activities; CEW lesson plans, free downloadable apps and videos are readily available.


  • www.simcoachgames.com

    The Simcaoch Skill Arcade is a workforce development and training platform that uses videogames to expose next generation talent to career paths and connect them with training, apprenticeships and employment in their region.

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

  • www.philadelphiafed.com

    Money management and budgeting topics are incorporated into lessons plans through literature and economics for elementary, middle and high school students. Entreprenuership topics are interwoven and highlighted for CEW standards.

What's Cool about Manufacturing

  • What’s so Cool about Manufacturing? www.whatssocool.org    

    Great interactive resource for demonstrating the many opportunities in the world of manufacturing. This site is designed for educators, students and families to grasp the value of pursuing skills and training in manufacturing. Features contest yearly winners of PA student developed virtual tours featuring various manufacturing companies.

Career Street

  • www.careerstreeterie.org

    Career Street is a comprehensive career exploration and planning program linking businesses, nonprofit organizations, and schools to create and share experiences for students to job shadow, intern, tour companies, benefit from class speakers, and participate in career workshops and fairs. Career Street's goal is to unite employers, schools and nonprofit organizations in the pursuit of a well-prepared future workforce, and to help better prepare students for the careers they want. Contact information: Career Street Phone: (814) 572-0419


The Challenge Program

  •  www.tcpinc.org

    The program’s mission is to build sustainable Business/Education partnerships while introducing students to careers in their communities, as well as contribute to workforce and economic development by developing positive work habits. Students have the opportunity to achieve awards in STEM, attendance, academics, and community service.

PDE Career Ready

  • www.education.pa.gov

    Instruction – Elem. & Sec. – Career Ready PA (box) - Career Readiness Guidance doc. Right tool bar. This document first reviews all the expected pieces of evidence for grades 5, 8, and 11. Further down, find Appendix A which is a resource for ideas at each grade band and for each strand of the standard: