• About NTHS - National Technical Honor Society

    ImageThe National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) is a national organization committed to the recognition of outstanding student achievement in career and technical education. NTHS encourages higher scholastic achievement, cultivates a desire for personal excellence, and helps top students find success in today’s highly competitive workplace. Students inducted into NTHS have earned America’s highest award for excellence in career and technical education. Membership is open to eligible students from all career and technical program areas at Steel Center. To be considered for membership into NTHS the program instructor must nominate their student(s). Eligibility requirements for nomination into NTHS and maintaining active membership status are as follows:

    1. The student nominee must be enrolled at least three full marking periods at Steel Center.
    2. The student nominee must maintain a minimum 93 percent grade average in their career and technical program.
    3. The student nominee cannot miss more than 5 school days per semester.
    4. The student nominee must model good behavior at Steel Center. No major disciplinary infractions and no repetitive minor disciplinary infractions.
    5. The student nominee must maintain a 3.5 Grade Point Average at their sending high school.